Siddur Nosach Sfarad (Paid)

by RobertR

Books & Reference

1.99 usd

Very lightweight application (only about 300 KB). No need for internet.

Powered by RobertRVery lightweight application (only about 300 KB)Includes: * Shaharit* Minha* Arvit* Kriat Shema Al HaMitta* Birkat HaMazon* Birkat Meein Shalosh* Boreh Nefashot* Tfilat HaDerech* Hanukkah (only in the paid version)* "Move to SD Card" option (only in the paid version)* Allows you to save all settings and customize every screen. (only in the paid version)האפליקציה פותחה ע"י רוברט.ראפליקציה קלה מאוד השוקלת 300 קילו-בית בלבד אפליקצית הסידור כוללת:* שחרית* מנחה* ערבית* קריאת שמע על המיטה* ברכת המזון* ברכת מעין שלוש* בורא נפשות* תפילת הדרך* מאפשר העברת האפליקציה לכרטיס החיצוני* האפליקציה מאפשרת שמירת ההגדרות לכל מסך* icons were added to the main screen

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Needs to Update App. Missing many useful features

David R

Great siddur. Use it all the time. Keep up the good work. Add sefirah

A Google user


A Google user

Excellent. I have absolutely no issues with the design. Could always have more features but nothing better in the free market.

A Google user

For those of users that wrote scrolling is slow, it is a bug in Android 2.2 OS and not in the application. In other Android OS it is working fast.

A Google user

It is nice to have a Siddur Nusach Sfarad. It had all the tefilot. It should be connected to a luach so that things not said on that day will not appe

A Google user